Sep 15, 2015
Earth as a Petri Dish: The Problem of Growth
The 1972 publication of Limits to Growth sparked a controversy that has yet to subside. This book argued that if population, resource use, and pollution kept growing on our finite planet, eventually economies would face environmental ‘limits to growth’ – with potentially dire consequences. Despite the evidence mounting in support of this position, any suggestion that we might have to give up... read more
Sep 8, 2015
My Interview with Graham Turner on ‘Limits to Growth’
Below is the next instalment of the interview series Jordan Osmond and I are releasing as part of the crowd-funding campaign for our documentary, A Simpler Way: Crisis as Opportunity. Thank you to all the generous souls who have helped us reach our first goal in 18 days! For more information on the documentary or to make a donations, please see here. ————- The 1972 book, Limits to... read more
Aug 28, 2015
The ‘green tech’ future is a flawed vision of sustainability
Below is my new article published in The Conversation today, co-authored with Josh Floyd. The original article can be viewed here. What does your vision of a sustainable future look like? Some people imagine a scenario whereby technology solves the world’s most pressing environmental problems. In this world we all drive electric cars and have solar panels on our roofs that power our air conditioners and... read more
Aug 26, 2015
My Interview with Helena Norberg-Hodge
As mentioned in recent posts, I’m currently co-producing a documentary called A Simpler Way: Crisis as Opportunity, and as part of our crowd-funding campaign, we’re releasing some of our full interviews with leading activists, educators, and thinkers, parts of which will eventually be used in the documentary. Below you can view the full interview with the one and only Helena Norberg-Hodge, a... read more
Aug 21, 2015
A Simpler Way: Crisis as Opportunity (Documentary)
Readers of this website will know about the ‘simpler way’ demonstration site that I’ve been helping develop in Gippsland, Victoria, called Wurruk’an. I’ve also mentioned the documentary that I’m co-producing with Jordan Osmond of Happen Films, called A Simpler Way: Crisis as Opportunity, which is capturing the development of that demonstration project. We are super... read more
Aug 11, 2015
Introduction to “Sufficiency Economy”
Below I have posted the introduction to my new book of collected essays, Sufficiency Economy: Enough, for Everyone, Forever. This is the companion volume to Prosperous Descent: Crisis as Opportunity in an Age of Limits, published earlier this year. The paperback of Sufficiency Economy is available here. For those unable to pay or who would like an electronic version, the pdf is available on a ‘pay... read more
Aug 9, 2015
Sufficiency Economy: Enough, for Everyone, Forever
I’ve just published my second book of collected essays, Sufficiency Economy: Enough, for Everyone, Forever. This is the companion volume to Prosperous Descent: Crisis as Opportunity in an Age of Limits, published earlier in the year. The paperback of Sufficiency Economy is available here. Your support is greatly appreciated. For those unable to pay, the pdf is available on a ‘pay what you... read more
Aug 8, 2015
Horizon (The Crash Narrative)
I’m very excited to share the video for ‘Horizon’, the first single by The Crash Narrative! The full EP will be released on iTunes, Spotify and Bandcamp next week. Stunning video by Jordan Osmond of Happen Films. read more
Aug 5, 2015
Greening the Apocalypse
Last night I was interviewed on Melbourne’s RRR radio, during a show called “Greening the Apocalypse”. You can listen to the interview here. The show was also the radio launch of “Apocaloptimystic”, the debut EP from the Melbourne/Christchurch duo, The Crash Narrative. More about The Crash Narrative another time. ... read more
Jul 31, 2015
Beyond Extinction: Transition to Post-Capitalism is Inevitable
Below is an article by Nafeez Ahmed discussing the transition to post-capitalism, which features my latest book, Prosperous Descent: Crisis as Opportunity in an Age of Limits. The article was originally published here. Beyond Extinction: Transition to Post-Capitalism is Inevitable In Margaret Atwood’s powerful essay on the reality of climate change — and its implications for the future of... read more