Currently Browsing: Overconsumption
Feb 23, 2022
A ‘Real’ Green New Deal? Policies for a Post-Growth Economy (Video)
I’ve just released the next video presentation in the Ecological Civilisation series. Today’s topic is ‘Policies for a Post-Growth Economy‘ and my question is: What would a ‘real’ Green New Deal look like? In my next presentation I’m going to consider ‘Life in a Degrowth Economy: Envisioning a Prosperous Descent’. Watch this space! This series is free... read more
Feb 15, 2022
Video: Thoreau’s Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy at Walden Pond (Ecological Civilisation Series)
I’ve released the next presentation in the Ecological Civilisation series. This talk provides an overview of Henry David Thoreau’s philosophy of sufficiency which he developed and practised while living in the woods near Walden Pond, over the years 1845-47. As a foundation, I review his critique of materialistic culture, then consider Thoreau’s ‘simple living’ approach to... read more
May 12, 2020
Death for Gaia: Ecocide and the Righteous Assassins
In the middle of last year I finished the manuscript of a book called Death for Gaia: Ecocide and the Righteous Assassins, co-authored with Associate Professor Peter Burdon, of Adelaide Law School, Australia. Believe it or not, the book is a work of philosophical fiction about a global pandemic, although given the timeline any similarities with the existing situation are obviously coincidental. With the... read more
Jun 14, 2019
This Civilisation is Finished: Conversations on the end of Empire – and what lies beyond
I’ve just published a new book, co-authored with philosopher-activist Rupert Read (leading spokesperson of the Extinction Rebellion in the UK). There is also a postscript by Helena Norberg-Hodge, author of Ancient Futures and producer of The Economics of Happiness. Our new book is entitled This Civilisation is Finished: Conversations on the end of Empire – and what lies beyond, but don’t... read more
Oct 31, 2018
Post-Capitalism by Design not Disaster: Creating Common Wealth via Degrowth
Two weekends ago I delivered a keynote presentation at the New Economy Network of Australia. I’ve had several requests for a transcript, so I’ve posted it below. POST-CAPITALISM BY DESIGN NOT DISASTER Samuel Alexander MELBOURNE SUSTAINABLE SOCIETY INSTITUTE UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE (Keynote address at the New Economy Network of Australia Conference) Designing the Descent Good morning everyone,... read more
Mar 4, 2018
Degrowth, Permaculture, and the Simpler Way (Collected Essays)
Late last year I published my third book of collected essays – and I never got around to posting about it. The collection is called Wild Democracy: Degrowth, Permaculture, and the Simpler Way and it is available here. My first two books of collected essays are Prosperous Descent: Crisis as Opportunity in an Age of Limits and Sufficiency Economy: Enough, for Everyone,... read more
Jan 4, 2017
The Moral and Ethical Weight of Voluntary Simplicity: A Philosophical Review
I’ve just published a new Simplicity Institute Report with a friend and colleague, Jacob Garrett, called ‘The Moral and Ethical Weight of Voluntary Simplicity: A Philosophical Review’. I’ve posted the introduction below and the full report is available here. The Moral and Ethical Weight of Voluntary Simplicity: A Philosophical Review Samuel Alexander and Jacob Garrett 1.... read more
Dec 16, 2016
Just Enough is Plenty: Thoreau’s Alternative Economics
This week I published a short book called Just Enough is Plenty: Thoreau’s Alternative Economics, available in paperback here and in pdf on a ‘pay what you want’ basis here. Feel free to share the pdf as a post-consumerist Christmas present. Philip Cafaro, author of Thoreau’s Living Ethics wrote this about my new book: “Just Enough Is Plenty is a superb introduction to... read more
Apr 24, 2016
Trailer to “A Simpler Way: Crisis as Opportunity”
We’ve just released the trailer to our forthcoming documentary, A Simpler Way: Crisis as Opportunity“. Half the tickets for the Melbourne premiere (3 June) have moved in the last couple of days, so if you’re wanting to attend, get your tickets here. We’re also very happy to announce that David Holmgren, co-originator of the permaculture concept, will be joining us at the premiere... read more
Nov 2, 2015
What is Degrowth? Envisioning a Prosperous Descent
This is a transcript of my keynote address presented at the ‘Local Lives, Global Matters’ conference in Castlemaine, Victoria, 16-18 October 2015.Other keynote speakers included Rob Hopkins, David Holmgren, and Helena Norberg-Hodge. Introduction Thank you for that introduction, Jacinta, good morning everyone. I would like to begin by acknowledging the traditional owners of this land and to recognise... read more