Currently Browsing: Housing
Mar 26, 2022
Video – Ecovillage Future: And How Access to Land is a Barrier (Ecological Civilisation Series)
What is an ‘ecovillage’ and how do practices and values different from ordinary life within consumer capitalist societies? And what would the world look like if there were millions of ecovillages emerging to replace industrial civilisation? In this presentation, I examine these question and draw on research which attempts to measure the energy and resource reductions of ecovillage living.... read more
Feb 15, 2022
Video: Thoreau’s Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy at Walden Pond (Ecological Civilisation Series)
I’ve released the next presentation in the Ecological Civilisation series. This talk provides an overview of Henry David Thoreau’s philosophy of sufficiency which he developed and practised while living in the woods near Walden Pond, over the years 1845-47. As a foundation, I review his critique of materialistic culture, then consider Thoreau’s ‘simple living’ approach to... read more
Oct 23, 2018
Short Film: Degrowth in the Suburbs
Recently I posted about my new book – Degrowth the in Suburbs: A Radical Urban Imaginary – co-authored with Professor Brendan Gleeson. A couple of days ago Happen Films released a short video on the topic, based on my household – see below.... read more
Oct 18, 2018
Degrowth in the Suburbs: A Radical Urban Imaginary
I’ve just published a new book, Degrowth in the Suburbs: A Radical Urban Imaginary, co-authored with Professor Brendan Gleeson, with a foreword by David Holmgren, and published by Palgrave Macmillan. (If anyone is interested in reviewing it on their website / blog, please leave a comment and I’ll send you a pdf). More details in forthcoming posts. This book addresses a central dilemma of the... read more
Jun 16, 2017
New Tiny House on Wheels
There is a new tiny house on wheels out at the Wurruk’an ecovillage! I’ve posted a few pictures below, and my carpenter friend, Tom Coupe of Blue Leaf Creations, who built it, has written a short article explaining some of the pros and cons of building on a trailer. Save the steel Why build on a trailer? It’s a valid question. If you can’t easily tow your tiny, maybe you should leave the... read more
Dec 18, 2016
Live without Dead Thyme: Photo Tour of Garden
I spent Saturday night under a 100 year old pear tree with David Holmgren, Su Dennett, and a spirited gathering of Victorian permaculturalists, for their annual summer solstice party. Fun and uplifting times. David and Su’s property Melliodora is a genuine permaculture paradise – and an inspiring example of what can be done. My household’s urban homestead doesn’t compare, but over... read more
Aug 10, 2016
Living Simply in a Tiny Off-Grid Cabin
Jordan Osmond, with whom I co-produced A Simpler Way: Crisis as Opportunity, has released a new short film, ‘Living Simply in a Tiny Off-Grid Cabin‘. Not only does it address important issues, as always, Jordan has crafted the short film with characteristic beauty and charm. Another tip of the hat to you Jordan!... read more
Aug 6, 2016
A simple life can be a good life
A couple of days ago the following article appeared in the Weekly Times, written by journalist, Sarah Hudson. Photo credit: Chloe Smith THERE’S a radical revolution happening in Gippsland. But you won’t find any weapons or angry masses. Instead, on an 8ha property outside Moe, there’s a community peacefully trying to find solutions to problems that ail the planet. Called Wurruk’an and founded in... read more
Jun 17, 2016
Telling New Stories as the Old Book Closes
Today I am posting a link to my new essay, ‘Prosperous Descent: Telling New Stories as the Old Book Closes‘, which was recently published in the Griffith Review, Australia’s most prestigious literary journal. The essay tells the story of Wurruk’an, the ‘simpler way’ demonstration project that formed the basis of the new documentary ‘A Simpler Way: Crisis as... read more
Jun 4, 2016
A Simpler Way: Crisis as Opportunity (Full Documentary)
Last night 300 people attended the sold-out premiere screening of the new documentary, A Simpler Way: Crisis as Opportunity, which I co-produced with Jordan Osmond. After the film, David Holmgren and Helena Norberg-Hodge joined us on stage for a panel discussion which stimulated a great discussion. You can watch the film freely below and information on organising your own screening can be found here.... read more