Currently Browsing: Food
Jun 18, 2017
Restoring Paradise through Regenerative Agriculture: A Short Film
Jordan Osmond of Happen films (co-director of A Simpler Way) has just released a new short film on regenerative agriculture, produced in association with the Simplicity Institute. Another uplifting contribution to the movement for change. read more
Dec 18, 2016
Live without Dead Thyme: Photo Tour of Garden
I spent Saturday night under a 100 year old pear tree with David Holmgren, Su Dennett, and a spirited gathering of Victorian permaculturalists, for their annual summer solstice party. Fun and uplifting times. David and Su’s property Melliodora is a genuine permaculture paradise – and an inspiring example of what can be done. My household’s urban homestead doesn’t compare, but over... read more
Jun 4, 2016
A Simpler Way: Crisis as Opportunity (Full Documentary)
Last night 300 people attended the sold-out premiere screening of the new documentary, A Simpler Way: Crisis as Opportunity, which I co-produced with Jordan Osmond. After the film, David Holmgren and Helena Norberg-Hodge joined us on stage for a panel discussion which stimulated a great discussion. You can watch the film freely below and information on organising your own screening can be found here.... read more
Dec 10, 2015
My Interview with David Holmgren
Recently I interviewed David Holmgren, co-originator of the permaculture concept, at his property in Hepburn, Victoria. This was produced as part of the documentary I’m making this year with Jordan Osmond of Happen Films. You can see the interview below or click here. ... read more
Nov 21, 2015
Less Meat, Less Heat: The Overlooked Climate Strategy
Leat Meat, Less Heat: The Overlooked Climate Strategy by Samuel Alexander, Nicholas Bowles, and Mark Pershin Sometimes the best way to respond to a problem is overlooked because it is right under our noses – literally, one might say, on our dinner plates. Even when we see what is under our noses and know how best to respond, we might nevertheless choose to look away because it seems too hard or... read more
Aug 26, 2015
My Interview with Helena Norberg-Hodge
As mentioned in recent posts, I’m currently co-producing a documentary called A Simpler Way: Crisis as Opportunity, and as part of our crowd-funding campaign, we’re releasing some of our full interviews with leading activists, educators, and thinkers, parts of which will eventually be used in the documentary. Below you can view the full interview with the one and only Helena Norberg-Hodge, a... read more
Aug 11, 2015
Introduction to “Sufficiency Economy”
Below I have posted the introduction to my new book of collected essays, Sufficiency Economy: Enough, for Everyone, Forever. This is the companion volume to Prosperous Descent: Crisis as Opportunity in an Age of Limits, published earlier this year. The paperback of Sufficiency Economy is available here. For those unable to pay or who would like an electronic version, the pdf is available on a ‘pay... read more
Aug 9, 2015
Sufficiency Economy: Enough, for Everyone, Forever
I’ve just published my second book of collected essays, Sufficiency Economy: Enough, for Everyone, Forever. This is the companion volume to Prosperous Descent: Crisis as Opportunity in an Age of Limits, published earlier in the year. The paperback of Sufficiency Economy is available here. Your support is greatly appreciated. For those unable to pay, the pdf is available on a ‘pay what you... read more
Dec 16, 2014
The Simple Life of Henry David Thoreau
Here is my chapter on Henry Thoreau from Simple Living in History: Pioneers of the Deep Future. HENRY THOREAU Few individuals in history evoke images of ‘the simple life’ more distinctly than the poet-philosopher, Henry David Thoreau. In 1845, when Henry was 27 years old, he left his hometown of Concord, Massachusetts, and went to live alone in the woods, near Walden Pond, where he built himself a... read more
Aug 31, 2013
Living without a fridge
I’ve been living without a fridge for the last three months – the winter months of Melbourne, Australia. Before you send me to the asylum, however, let me tell you about this experiment which produced several interesting, and I think important, surprises, related to energy consumption and lifestyle habits. My main conclusion, which I’ll unpack below, is that living without a fridge (at least in... read more