Currently Browsing: Music
Aug 8, 2015
Horizon (The Crash Narrative)
I’m very excited to share the video for ‘Horizon’, the first single by The Crash Narrative! The full EP will be released on iTunes, Spotify and Bandcamp next week. Stunning video by Jordan Osmond of Happen Films. read more
Aug 5, 2015
Greening the Apocalypse
Last night I was interviewed on Melbourne’s RRR radio, during a show called “Greening the Apocalypse”. You can listen to the interview here. The show was also the radio launch of “Apocaloptimystic”, the debut EP from the Melbourne/Christchurch duo, The Crash Narrative. More about The Crash Narrative another time. ... read more
Jun 11, 2013
Entropia: Life Beyond Industrial Civilisation
I am very pleased to announce the publication of my new book, Entropia: Life Beyond Industrial Civilisation. This book is a creative work of fiction – a ‘utopia of sufficiency’ – in which I bring to life a simple living community that became isolated on a small island after the collapse of industrial civilisation. Looking back from the future, I describe the economy, culture, and politics of the... read more
Dec 19, 2011
Ten Most Popular Posts of 2011
As the year draws to a close, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank the readers of this website for their support and contributions. Our community is now over 1,000 strong, and I’m very much looking forward to exploring voluntary simplicity, and all it entails, with you in 2012. Now, more than ever before, we need to be reimagining the good life beyond consumer culture. I have plans to relaunch... read more
Sep 10, 2011
Free Money Day
Free Money Day? What the… I’m not sure about you, but Free Money Day sounds like absolute madness to me. What is the meaning of it all? I was contacted by the Post-Growth Institute recently who asked me if I would write a theme song for Free Money Day – the day people give out free money to complete strangers. “Free money to absolute strangers!” I said. “What the…... read more
Jun 28, 2011
Tunes for Transition
Something a little different today – free music! After a silent hiatus of several years without composing a note – justifying my musical alias “Samuel de Silentio” – over the last few weekends I’ve written and recorded (at home) a short album and posted it online for free download. Most of the songs are ‘simplicity’ related, so I thought some of you might be interested in a listen. Music is... read more