Currently Browsing: Food
Apr 25, 2012
Envisioning a Sustainable Urban Landscape
In my last post, “Urban Food Forests: A Policy Proposal,” I began by noting that relocalising food production – especially in urban centres – is absolutely critical to decarbonising our economies and making our communities more resilient. I stated that my vision of a sustainable urban landscape (a vision you might share?) is one where the streets are lined with fruit and nut trees,... read more
Apr 23, 2012
Urban Food Forests: A Policy Proposal
Relocalising food production – especially in urban centres – is absolutely critical to decarbonising our economies and making our communities more resilient. My vision of a sustainable urban landscape is one where the streets are lined with fruit and nut trees, supplying the community with a greater portion of its own food. The City of Moreland (my local Council in Melbourne) is in the process... read more
Feb 28, 2012
There’s No Tomorrow (Film)
Ignoring the rather gloomy title, I highly recommend this new educational video on peak oil and economic growth. It’s a very engaging summary of many of the issues related to peak oil and resource depletion, and it’s essentially a short (34mins) visual expression of my recent paper, “Peak Oil, Energy Descent, and the Fate of Consumerism,” which is available here. To watch the video,... read more
Feb 25, 2012
Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil
A shout out to all Melbournians: Transition Coburg is screening “The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil” this Sunday (today) 26 February at 3pm, the Coburg Library (access in the side door, from the Coburg Mall). This is an inspiring film about how Cuba relocalised its food production almost overnight…. when they had to. Food for thought. Hope to see some of you there.... read more
Feb 17, 2012
The Simpler Way: A Practical Action Plan for Living More on Less
I’m pleased and excited to announce the launch of the latest initiative of the Simplicity Institute – The Simpler Way: A Practical Action Plan for Living More on Less. ____ The Simpler Way, created in collaboration with Ted Trainer, consists of a website and booklet which provide detailed practical advice on how to live a ‘simpler life’ of reduced and restrained consumption. More... read more
Jan 11, 2012
Peak Oil, Energy Descent, and the Fate of Consumerism
My new paper ‘Peak Oil, Energy Descent, and the Fate of Consumerism’ can be downloaded here, and it has also been published on the Energy Bulletin. I’ve reposted the abstract below. Abstract: Western-style consumer lifestyles are highly resource and energy intensive. This paper examines the energy intensity of these consumer lifestyles and considers whether such lifestyles could be... read more
Nov 9, 2011
The Strangest Thing Happened at Cherry Grove
With a day to pass before my students submit their second assignment for marking, this morning I set out on my bike to survey the neighbourhood for a plot of unused land to cultivate, in the manner of a Guerrilla Gardener. I already had my eyes set on a couple spots, so soon enough I found myself hoeing the earth as a soft rain began to fall. It was very pleasant, indeed. The plot is approximately 2 metres... read more
Sep 30, 2011
Guerrilla Gardening: Things Are Getting Serious
Since I became a guerrilla gardener a month or so ago, I’ve been living in the mountains (not really, but let’s run with this narrative). I’ve only been entering civil society to do my work, and busy I have been. Then I escape back into the mountains where I plan my next move. My code name is “Che Guava.” I reported on my previous operations here and here. Since then, things... read more
Sep 12, 2011
Viva La Resistance!
No, this isn’t the same citrus tree that I planted and posted about a couple of weeks ago. Although I do look very fondly upon that citrus tree, and check upon it morning and night, I wouldn’t bother you again with more details were it not for the fact that another tree has mysteriously appeared, this time on my neighbour’s nature strip. It looks quite fine, I must say. Whoever could have put... read more
Aug 30, 2011
Guerrilla Gardening and the Relocalization of Food Production
Relocalizing food production is one of the most important steps on the path to a sustainable society, and in times of great economic uncertainty, relocalizing food production is just plain sensible. It should bother us, therefore, when we see good land in our neighbourhoods sitting dormant and uncultivated, especially when it is right outside our own doorsteps. Such thoughts crossed my mind every time I... read more