Currently Browsing: Permaculture
Aug 20, 2016
My article in Adbusters
I’ve had second short piece published in the culture-jamming magazine Adbusters. I’ve posted a screen-shot of my article below and the full magazine can be purchased in pdf here or in print at good magazine stores. (My first Adbusters article is also available here).... read more
Aug 6, 2016
A simple life can be a good life
A couple of days ago the following article appeared in the Weekly Times, written by journalist, Sarah Hudson. Photo credit: Chloe Smith THERE’S a radical revolution happening in Gippsland. But you won’t find any weapons or angry masses. Instead, on an 8ha property outside Moe, there’s a community peacefully trying to find solutions to problems that ail the planet. Called Wurruk’an and founded in... read more
Jul 8, 2016
From Finance to Farmer
I intended to post this a while back but got waylaid. Here is beautiful short film made by Jordan Osmond of Happen Films (with whom I co-produced ‘A Simpler Way: Crisis as Opportunity‘) telling the story of one financier who turned farmer. read more
Jun 28, 2016
Residencies available at Wurruk’an ecovillage and permaculture farm (Victoria)
Wurruk’an is a small community of people living in West Gippsland, Victoria. For the last few years we have been trying to push the boundaries of environmental practice by exploring what it means to live in a deeply sustainable way. So far the community has built many demonstration “tiny houses” using a combination of reclaimed materials, cob, “Earthship style” rammed earth and super-adobe. As... read more
Jun 17, 2016
Telling New Stories as the Old Book Closes
Today I am posting a link to my new essay, ‘Prosperous Descent: Telling New Stories as the Old Book Closes‘, which was recently published in the Griffith Review, Australia’s most prestigious literary journal. The essay tells the story of Wurruk’an, the ‘simpler way’ demonstration project that formed the basis of the new documentary ‘A Simpler Way: Crisis as... read more
Jun 6, 2016
Compost Capitalism
I’ve had a handful of requests from people asking for a transcript of my short introduction to the film premiere last Friday (full documentary is now available here). I’ve turned my notes into a script which I think is pretty much word for word. Good evening everyone, a very warm welcome to you all, my name is Samuel Alexander and I’m very happy to be introducing tonight’s premiere... read more
Jun 4, 2016
A Simpler Way: Crisis as Opportunity (Full Documentary)
Last night 300 people attended the sold-out premiere screening of the new documentary, A Simpler Way: Crisis as Opportunity, which I co-produced with Jordan Osmond. After the film, David Holmgren and Helena Norberg-Hodge joined us on stage for a panel discussion which stimulated a great discussion. You can watch the film freely below and information on organising your own screening can be found here.... read more
Apr 24, 2016
Trailer to “A Simpler Way: Crisis as Opportunity”
We’ve just released the trailer to our forthcoming documentary, A Simpler Way: Crisis as Opportunity“. Half the tickets for the Melbourne premiere (3 June) have moved in the last couple of days, so if you’re wanting to attend, get your tickets here. We’re also very happy to announce that David Holmgren, co-originator of the permaculture concept, will be joining us at the premiere... read more
Apr 19, 2016
Invitation: Melbourne Premiere of “A Simpler Way: Crisis as Opportunity”
I’ve been relatively quiet on the Simplicity Collective this year, primarily because I’ve been investing so much time making a documentary, called “A Simpler Way: Crisis as Opportunity”, which I’ve co-produced with Jordan Osmond of Happen Films. After 18 months of work, we’re delighted to announce a date for the Melbourne premiere of the film. You’re invited! I... read more
Mar 2, 2016
Want to visit Wurruk’an? Let’s build the new world together
Wurruk’an is a humble but beautiful body of land, water, and forest in the Gunai district of Gippsland, Victoria. In recent years it has become an inclusive gathering space for people seeking to pioneer and demonstrate a ‘simpler way’ of living based on permaculture principles. Among other things, we have been running mud-building workshops and growing organic food, capturing water from the skies,... read more