Currently Browsing: Politics
Aug 16, 2014
Degrowth and the Carbon Budget: Powerdown Strategies for Climate Stability
I’ve just published a new Simplicity Institute Report, called “Degrowth and the Carbon Budget: Powerdown Strategies for Climate Stability.” I’ve posted the introduction below and the full paper is available here. 1. INTRODUCTION In recent years the notion of a ‘carbon budget’ has entered the lexicon of climate science (e.g. IPCC, 2013; Meinshausen et al, 2009). This concept... read more
Feb 28, 2014
Essays on Frugal Abundance (1 of 4) by Serge Latouche
Serge Latouche is Europe’s preeminent degrowth scholar – an original, deep, and provocative thinker. The Simplicity Institute is pleased to be publishing four “Essays on Frugal Abundance” by Professor Latouche, in which he considers and responds to various misunderstandings and controversies surrounding the notion of degrowth. Part 1 of this series on Frugal Abundance is available... read more
Jan 8, 2014
Radical Emissions Planning: Kevin Anderson
I’ve just watched these two clips below from Kevin Anderson, one of the most outspoken climate scientists on the scene today. As you will see, he does not shy away from radical implications of the numbers. Avoiding dangerous climate change, he concludes, requires degrowth in the wealthiest parts of the world, a conclusion other climate scientists (or any policy makers) have dared not acknowledge. But... read more
Jan 6, 2014
The Deep Green Alternative: Debating Strategies of Transition
I am pleased to begin this new year with the publication of a new Simplicity Institute Report, entitled ‘The Deep Green Alternative: Debating Strategies of Transition,’ co-written by myself (Samuel Alexander) and Jonathan Rutherford. This report is freely available here, and a brief overview of the report is posted below: In this paper we do not seek to defend, as such, the ‘deep green’... read more
Jul 12, 2013
Charter of the Deep Future: Enough, For Everyone, Forever
As well as the excerpt below, I’d just like to offer a final reminder about the launch of my book, Entropia, this Thursday 18th July, at 6pm, on the campus of Melbourne University, Parkville. You’re invited… so if you’d like to come, please RSVP here. * * * Below is a short excerpt from Entropia: Life Beyond Industrial Civilisation. This book is a creative work of fiction... read more
Jun 11, 2013
Entropia: Life Beyond Industrial Civilisation
I am very pleased to announce the publication of my new book, Entropia: Life Beyond Industrial Civilisation. This book is a creative work of fiction – a ‘utopia of sufficiency’ – in which I bring to life a simple living community that became isolated on a small island after the collapse of industrial civilisation. Looking back from the future, I describe the economy, culture, and politics of the... read more
Mar 28, 2013
Superannuation’s Carbon Footprint
Recently I posted an article called “Bursting the Carbon Bubble” by Michael Green. Below is Michael’s follow up article, which was published in The Age a couple of days ago. He raises the point that our superannuation could well be investing in the fossil fuel industry, suggesting that we should consider moving our superannuation into pension funds that do not support fossil fuels, if... read more
Mar 22, 2013
Insight into the Politics of Climate Change: A Letter and Response
A friend of mine, Govind Maksay, who works at the Moreland Energy Foundation, recently wrote a letter to Martin Ferguson (Minister for Resources and Energy, Federal Government, Australia – who actually resigned as I was writing this post!). Govind asked questions about Australia’s position on fossil fuels in the face of climate science. With permission, I post Govind’s letter below,... read more
Feb 20, 2013
Bursting the Carbon Bubble
The following article was written by Michael Green and appeared in The Age a couple of days ago. Thanks to Michael for raising this important and fascinating issue concerning the ‘carbon bubble’ and for permission to repost the article. There are many links in the article for those who wish to explore this issue further. BURSTING THE CARBON BUBBLE Energy analysts and activists are... read more
Nov 13, 2012
The Sufficiency Economy: Envisioning a Prosperous Way Down
Below I’ve posted the introduction to my new essay, “The Sufficiency Economy: Envisioning a Prosperous Way Down.” This essay, which I feel is the clearest expression of my views, summarises the critique of growth economics and then describes in some detail what I consider to be the most promising alternative model – ‘a sufficiency economy.’ The full essay can be read... read more