
Simplicity Institute Publishes Results of the Simple Living Survey

The Simplicity Institute has today published the results and analysis of the Simple Living Survey. 1748 people participated in the survey (so far), and to the best of our knowledge that makes it the most extensive sociological examination of the Voluntary Simplicity Movement available. To read the report, click below:

“The Voluntary Simplicity Movement: A Multi-National Survey Analysis in Theoretical Context” (Simplicity Institute Report, 2011a)

Thanks to everyone who participated in the survey. We’re all in this together!

(Data is still being collected for future publications, so if you’re exploring a ‘simpler life’ in one way or another, please consider taking the 4 minute survey – click here)

2 Responses to “Simplicity Institute Publishes Results of the Simple Living Survey”

  1. Ralph says:

    Great report. Congratulations.

    Just some random comments:

    Yes the gap between rich and poor clearly indicates that something is wrong. The global economy is a modern form of slavery. The poor work hard for hardly any money to do work for the rich. So not much has changed since slavery was abolished (1830’s). They just moved more of it off-shore. Sad but true.

    If we choose to live simply we may be able to extract ourselves from this rich-poor slavery trap. It will be necessary to set up an alternative economy though, such as a bartering system & swap markets, or we may also become victims of the system we are trying to change.

    Re over-population – if we used this earth properly we could house many more people and there would be no hunger. I’ve heard that if we could irrigate South Australia, we could feed the 7 bln people that make up the current world population of it. If we cared enough we would do it.

    An economic system that relies on growth for its survival will inevitably end up producing unnecessary goods and will not be sustainable in the long run.

    Love the comments on pp 18-19 re economy needing to provide quality of life, rather than just money.

  2. It would be helpful to have a TEXT version of the report. Also – a press release or summary of the report. These would make it easier for other sites to publicize it.

    all best,
    Energy Bulletin

  3. […] Simplicity Institute Publishes Results of the Simple Living Survey (reporting on the largest empirical study of the Simplicity Movement ever […]

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