Mar 17, 2022
Video: Post-Capitalism by Design not Disaster – A Grassroots Theory of Change
Capitalism has various growth imperatives that are inconsistent with environmental limits. That is, capitalism must grow for stability but cannot grow limitlessly on a finite planet. It follows that the future will be post-capitalist – by design or disaster. In this presentation I explore a grassroots theory of change that I argue is the most coherent way to help drive a post-capitalist transition by... read more
Mar 6, 2022
Life in a ‘Degrowth’ Economy: Envisioning a Prosperous Descent
What would daily life would be like in a ‘degrowth’ economy? That is, in an economy seeking planned contraction of energy and resource demands in order to achieve sustainability, equity, and social wellbeing. In this presentation, I explore theses issues by seeking to envision what such a ‘prosperous descent’ might look like. This is Part IV of the Ecological Civilisation... read more
Feb 23, 2022
A ‘Real’ Green New Deal? Policies for a Post-Growth Economy (Video)
I’ve just released the next video presentation in the Ecological Civilisation series. Today’s topic is ‘Policies for a Post-Growth Economy‘ and my question is: What would a ‘real’ Green New Deal look like? In my next presentation I’m going to consider ‘Life in a Degrowth Economy: Envisioning a Prosperous Descent’. Watch this space! This series is free... read more
Feb 15, 2022
Video: Thoreau’s Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy at Walden Pond (Ecological Civilisation Series)
I’ve released the next presentation in the Ecological Civilisation series. This talk provides an overview of Henry David Thoreau’s philosophy of sufficiency which he developed and practised while living in the woods near Walden Pond, over the years 1845-47. As a foundation, I review his critique of materialistic culture, then consider Thoreau’s ‘simple living’ approach to... read more
Feb 6, 2022
Home Biogas Video: Renewable Energy from Food Waste (Ecological Civilisation Series)
This presentation is about making renewable energy in your backyard from food scraps. I provide an introduction to domestic-scale biogas production and provide an independent, four-year review of the Home Biogas system. This is Part I of the Ecological Civilisation series. The introduction is available here: This series will be grappling with the problems of consumerism and the growth economy;... read more
Jan 31, 2022
Ecological Civilisation: Beyond Consumerism and the Growth Economy (Introduction to Video Series)
I have begun producing a free video series called “Ecological Civilisation: Beyond Consumerism and the Growth Economy.” The introduction is now available at the link below and more videos will be uploaded in coming weeks and months. You can support this new project by purchasing a Simplicity Institute e-book from the link below, available on a ‘pay what you can’ basis (the price... read more
Mar 8, 2021
Disturbance and Enchantment in the Industrial City (National Radio Interview)
Last weekend I was interviewed on national radio with my colleague Professor Brendan Gleeson. We discuss our new book Urban Awakenings: Disturbance and Enchantment in the Industrial City. You can listen to the 25 minute interview here and read more about the book here. I’d also like to share a YouTube link to a talk given by my colleague Joshua Floyd, where he discusses our paper ‘The... read more
Feb 25, 2021
Beyond Capitalist Realism: The Politics, Energetics, and Aesthetics of Degrowth
I’ve just published my fourth book of collected essays, Beyond Capitalist Realism: The Politics, Energetics, and Aesthetics of Degrowth. I’ve posted the introduction below, which includes overviews of each chapter. The paperback is available here and the ebook is available on a ‘pay what you want’ basis here (you can edit the price as you like). Introduction ‘Capitalist... read more
Feb 11, 2021
Urban Awakenings: Disturbance and Enchantment in the Industrial City
I’ve recently published a new book with Professor Brendan Gleeson, Urban Awakenings: Disturbance and Enchantment in the Industrial City, published by Palgrave.It is based on ‘urban tramps’ that we undertook in Melbourne, before, during and after the COVID lockdown. It also has 71 colour images, including a bunch from the great Australian treasure – the poet, cartoonist, and artist... read more
Jul 4, 2020
Extinction Rebellion: Insights from the Inside
I don’t believe Extinction Rebellion has all the answers but I do know that peaceful resistance has played an important role advancing human societies in the past and I believe it has a role to play advancing the state of our troubled world today. To participate in this movement during lockdown, while we’ve been unable to take to the streets en masse, I’ve edited a book of essays on... read more